Roulette: Party of 6

Hey all. 🙂 As we’re starting to gather more sims, I thought I’d do like I did with my baby boom challenge and start each chapter with a reminder of who we’ve got. 🙂

Frost – mom, young adult, white hair/eyes
Abyss – dad, young adult, black hair/eyes
Dijon – son, child, gold hair/black eyes
Topaz – daughter, toddler, gold hair/black eyes
Boyd – son, infant, random blond hair

Screenshot-18Dijon went over to a friend’s house after school. I approve, so we’ll try and build that friendship into a relationship later so that he’s not thrown to the SP wolves when he ages up and moves out. LOL

Screenshot-19Abyss played for tips at the fairground again, and actually managed some money this time around.

Screenshot-20And he was a doting daddy when he came home.

Screenshot-23How meta.. a ghost telling ghost stories.

Screenshot-25Spooky day! I let Dijon trick or treat.

Screenshot-28While baby and dad flirt. LOL They’re always flirting if I haven’t got things queued up for them. At this point they both roll wishes for another baby. I like your enthusiasm guys, but we’re waiting til Boyd ages and knows some stuff.

Screenshot-36Aww.. best big brother ever! Dijon helps Topaz finish out the Dr. Seuss-esque series of toddler books.

Screenshot-38Today is Boyd’s birthday! Topaz’s too, but I’ve been doing some work on the upstairs and now only have the funds for one cake.

Screenshot-39He ages up into a cutie with gold eyes.

Screenshot-42Here’s an un-derped pic for you, as he had to go straight to bed since he was tired.

Screenshot-46After the day’s consignment funds roll in, Topaz gets a cake too.

Screenshot-48Shimmer sparkle..

Screenshot-50Ta-da! She adds Loves the Outdoors to her traits.

Screenshot-51And an un-crosseyed picture of the birthday girl.

Screenshot-53These two are still pretty similar face-wise.

Screenshot-43More flirting from these two.. but good news is Boyd’s awake and happy.

Screenshot-55Frost wastes no time teaching him to potty..

Screenshot-58..and then focuses on teaching him to walk while Abyss is off at work. Both she and Abyss are tired when he gets home, but with two toddler skills taught, they hop into the sack for some fun before crashing.

Thankfully big sister is there for the assist when Boyd gets hungry.

Screenshot-65Closeup on TopazScreenshot-67Closeup on Dijon (our place is huge so everyone runs everywhere lol)Screenshot-66Closeup on Boyd as he toddles his way to the potty.

Screenshot-70The big kids are knocking out some block skill. Check out those castles!

Screenshot-71Hard to tell from this angle, but Frost’s wardrobe change lets us know baby number four is incoming. She wraps up teaching Boyd to talk (though he seems dubious about asking for a bath) and then I send her out to collect flowers at the fairgrounds for hours. Winter is fast approaching and wildflowers have been our best source of income so far. She manages to find almost 7k in flowers before heading home when it starts hailing. Should be enough for me to finish up the upstairs rooms for the kids.

Screenshot-72With Frost busy, Abyss tries to cook. That black goo is supposed to be mac and cheese. He gives up and grabs some leftover cake.

Screenshot-73I just love toddler faces. *wub*

Screenshot-76I had Frost resting in the rocking chair out here when she felt a gush and stood up. She figures it looks like another step towards her big ole family wish.

Screenshot-75Frost: “Owww.. at least there’s only one more after this.”
Ha. You’re missing a zero.
Frost: “What? I’m wishing for five.”
Well, you’re having fourteen. God speed.

Screenshot-78And with that, we welcome baby #4.. it’s a boy!

Screenshot-79Meet Diesel. He has his daddy’s black hair, and is both Brave and a Heavy Sleeper (which means he can beat up burglars, but will sleep through their arrival anyway. LOL)

And because I finally downloaded a pose player, here’s a picture of the family so far. Awesome poses from Poses by Bee. 🙂

Dijon: 10 point hair, 5 point eyes
Topaz: 10 point hair, 5 point eyes
Boyd: 0 point hair, 10 point eyes
Diesel: 5 point hair, ? point eyes

4 thoughts on “Roulette: Party of 6

  1. Story looks great! You have some nice looking sims there! Thank you for the shout out and the link, I so appreciate it. Now that you are trying poses, you will find sims have their own mind, even when you are posing them. When a pose doesn’t go completely right, (Usually the head is wrong, or the eyes), click the pose clip board again and choose “use current pose, then in the top left of your screen cancel the first black clapboard. The pose will then snap into place as designed. When you have poses with multiple sims, they get “distracted” by each other and the pose goes wrong. Although they get distracted by things in the room too and single poses won’t pose right. Have fun with it, and thank you again for choosing my poses!

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  2. Yay for Boyd giving you some points! Hopefully, they can get some older generations in there somewhere along the line. But the kids are adorable in the meantime. I love the idea of dressing them in their ‘generation’ colour – may just copy that idea when I get around to doing this challenge.

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